Supporting the Conservation of Greenway, CCCC Held Fundraising Golf Event

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The CCCC Fundrasing Golf Event was successfully held on May 6th at the 
Creamer Mountain Club in Charlotte. More than ten teams consisting of 
high-ball players from the South and North Cards competed in the same game, 
playing in the form of a four-person team of Captain’s Choice. In the 2017 
and 2018 two years, the United States under the age of 13 women's world 
champion (US Kids Golf Girls 13) Cindy Song led the Merrill Lynch team, 
with a net score of 52 (-20) to win the championship. The Asian and third 
runners were won by Green Meadow and Look China, respectively, and both 
teams had net shots below 60.
For details, see the below report:



南北卡华人工商总会2019年度高尔夫义捐赛于5月6日在夏洛特Creamer Mountain 俱乐部成功举行。由来自南、北卡各路高球高手组成的十余支球队同场竞技,以四人一队Captain’s Choice的形式进行比赛。蝉联2017和2018两年全美13岁以下女子世界冠军(US Kids Golf Girls 13)宋欣仪(Cindy Song)领衔的美林木业队,以净杆52(-20)的优异成绩获得冠军。亚、季军分别由Green Meadow 和Look China️队夺得,两队的净杆数都在60以下。



本次义捐赛是商会引领华人社团回报美国当地社区的又一次有益探索。去年5月21日,商会以同样的形式为阿雷格尔儿童残疾人基金筹集善款万元。 本次义捐赛的受益方为北卡知名绿色资源保护组织卡罗莱纳丝路(Carolina Thread Trail)。


CTT 总裁伯特先生在赛后的招待会上真诚感谢、高度赞赏华商会主办这次慈善高尔夫,他表示他们将把捐赠款更好用于绿色资源保护,让北卡更加宜居。


本次义捐赛得到北卡华人企业家的大力赞助。美林木业(Michael Wang/Jimmy Lee)、Green Tech Solution(Richard Yang)、Golden Green Hotel(Si Chen)、阳光保险(Wendy Shao)等都慷慨赞助。會長王晴介紹说,商会的核心价值之一是积极回饋當地社區,通过举办类似的公益活动,为当地社区服务。

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